
Android error - R cannot be resolved

Most common errors in Android Application and Game Development

Many of the android developer faced as well as me many times faced this problem. but i dont know why eclipse not interested to solve this problem, after many developer irritating this problem again again.

Anyway don't worry about this, here i give you some tips that may help to solve this problem.

I first strictly recommend this android documentation about eclipse, for how to track  or debug project.

Now, i am going to alert you some times you have loss without know minor things lots of time. is automatically generated jave file.

- This was due to some problem in the XML layout file that prevented the application from being built, so make a sure any error on xml file in your project and correct that.

- Use the Ctrl + Shift + O command(window) to "Organize Imports" and generate any missing import statements. Sometimes this would generate the incorrect import statement which would hide the class that is automatically generated when you build, which is more helpful.

- Sometimes, you may through:  Go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > tab [Order and Export] > Tick Android Version , Check this. and Run the Current Project. Like this

- Sometimes, you may have a images naming conventions (may contain only [a-z0-9_.]), the class might not generate, that is in res/drawble folder, please check this and correct in appropriate format.

- Another, important but not many developer watch this, sometimes, this error occurs, when you missing this import. import android.R; or may be this accorading to your project name like this- >  import com.example.appname.R;. 

-  And, Finally last but not the list, after all tips not working please dont forget do this: 
Close all files, clean project, restart Eclipse.

This problem tips , i am covering from stackoverflow. please go to stackoverflow and check may solution different approach.

Happy Coding !!!


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